This is the kind of innovative, inside-out leadership that is sure to help any company meet the challenges that lie ahead.
This is the kind of innovative, inside-out leadership that is sure to help any company meet the challenges that lie ahead.
Transforming Leadership: New Skills for an Extraordinary Future
In Transforming Leadership, James MacGregor Burns illuminates the evolution of leadership structures—from the chieftains of tribal African societies, through Europe’s absolute monarchies, to the blossoming of the Enlightenment’s ...
An award-winning historian critically examines the role of leadership in the twenty-first century, outlining a program of "Transforming Leadership," through which leaders can become agents of positive social change. Reprint.
Combining a fresh examination of Jesus' ministry with the insights of the best recent discussions of leadership, Leighton Ford challenges readers to become transformational leaders on the job, in the church and in the public arena.
Transformations Series Katherine Tyler Scott James Lemler ... Clergy and laity share responsibility for leadership and ministry; all share responsibility for the wise and judicious use of their God-given authority.
In her new book for clergy and congregations, leadership expert Katherine Tyler Scott provides models and spiritual practices to feed the growing hunger in our churches for grounded spiritual authority.
Transforming Leadership: From Vision to Results
* A comprehensive, practical paradigm for nurturing congregational leadership * Tested in ten years of teaching, ministry, congregational research * Includes specific exercises for self-assessment and implementation
Dedicated to all those who have chosen to make a difference with their life's work, the book's introduction, The Strategic Leadership Perspective, proposes that a primary emphasis in strategic leadership...