We are at a time when there is a national focus on early years provision – both on practice and the impact it makes on ... They wanted to know what would be expected of their children, so they could help them prepare for year one.
... of their use within nursing and midwifery education, Journal ofAdvanced Nursing, 22(6), 1050–1057. Rivers, J.W. and Stoneman, Z. (2003) Sibling relationships when a child has autism: marital stress and support coping, Journal of Autism ...
The contributors of this book seek to find how children cope with transition from home to the first settings of their education and whether there are ways in which professionals can better support and empoer children in transition.
Transitions in the Early Years is the ultimate guide to how young children cope emotionally and physically with transitions between key stages and various settings.
This book includes how to: support transitions between the home, childminders, pre-schools, reception classes and Key Stage One, manage stress-free transitions and effective communication.