6 I. F. Macdonald, M. S. El-Sayed, K. Mow, and F. A. Dullien, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 18, 199–208 (1979). 7 J. A. Tallmadge, AIChE Journal, 16, 1092–1093 (1970). Chapter 6 Interphase Transport in Isothermal Systems Burke and Plummer.
Enables readers to apply transport phenomena principles to solve advanced problems in all areas of engineering and science This book helps readers elevate their understanding of, and their ability to apply, transport phenomena by ...
The leading idea behind this textbook is to train students in solving problems where transport phenomena are key. To this end, the textbook comprises almost 80 problems with solutions. [Source : 4e de couverture].
Treats momentum transport (viscous flow), energy transport (heat conduction, convection, and radiation), and mass transport (diffusion). All topics are organized around the ``equations of change'': the equations of motion, energy,...
This invaluable text, provides a much-needed overview of both the theoretical development, as well as appropriate numerical solutions, for all aspects of transport phenomena. It contains a basic introduction to...
Part II covers applications in greater detail. The three transport phenomena--heat, mass, and momentum transfer--are treated in depth through simultaneous (or parallel) developments.
This book covers heat transfer as it pertains to transport phenomena, and covers mass transfer as it relates to the analogy with heat and momentum. The book includes a complete treatment of fluid mechanics for Ch. E's.