The GCP is gaining increasing interest from stakeholders (e.g., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Harris, EMC, Pearson Learning Solutions, etc.). It collectively links the public–private–nonprofit organizations together ...
The report is Volume 9 in each series. The report is designed to assist transportation agencies in developing drills and exercises in alignment with the National Incident Management System.
Within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) mission is to protect the nation's transportation network.
Terrorist incidents worldwide have highlighted the need for securing mass transit and passenger rail systems. The Transportation Security Admin. (TSA) is the primary fed. entity responsible for securing these systems.
The Transportation Security Admin. (TSA) has primary fed. responsibility for ensuring the security of the commercial vehicle sector, while vehicle operators are responsible for implementing security measures for their firms.
Transportation Security: DHS Should Address Key Challenges before Implementing the Transportation Worker Identification Credential program
The report is Volume 8 in each series. The report is designed to assist transportation agencies in evaluating and modifying existing operations plans, policies, and procedures, as called for in the National Incident Management System.
The Transportation Security Admin. (TSA) uses undercover, or covert, testing to approximate techniques that terrorists may use to identify vulnerabilities in and measure the performance of airport security systems.