Tropical Diseases outlines the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases encountered in developing regions---areas where the unexpected can occur and where Western medical capabilities are often unavailable.
Tropical diseases pose an increasing problem for US and international travellers who travel to tropical regions.
Tropical Diseases: 20 Case Studies presents a compilation of Dr. Meunier's tropical disease cases which were published in the international medical literature.
[] [PMID: 19930660] Koneman EW, Allen SD, Janda WM, Schreckenberger PC, Winn WC. Diagnóstico Microbiológico – Texto e Atlas Colorido. Rio de Janeiro. ... Microbiology 2008; 154(Pt 8): 2397-407.
These are then followed by a section on general bacterial infection. Two papers on nutrition complete the volume.
Tropical Diseases outlines the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases encountered in developing regions—-areas where the unexpected can occur and where Western medical capabilities are often unavailable.
Fittingly, it defines tropical diseases in a broader-than-usual manner. The book discusses traditional tropical medicine topics of infectious diseases and nutritional deficiencies.
Tropical Diseases outlines the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases encountered in developing regions---areas where the unexpected can occur and where Western medical capabilities are often unavailable.