Trusts Law

  • Trusts Law: Text and Materials
    By Graham Moffat, Gerry Bean, Rebecca Probert

    Compare Fox J's and Lord Russell's analysis of the consequences of the power of accumulation with that of Viscount Dilhorne: Pearson v IRC [1979] 1 All ER 273 at 281 Fox]: The position as to the trustees' power of accumulation, ...

  • Trusts Law: Text and Materials
    By Graham Moffat, Gerry Bean, Rebecca Probert

    Lord Wilberforce then referred to passages in Lord Upjohn's speech extracted above at p 221. [Lord Upjohn's] reference to defeating 'the intention of donors completely' shows that what he is concerned with is to point to the contrast ...

  • Trusts Law

    Instead, Scarman LJ said that it was right to pay attention to the circumstances and the nature of the parties involved: '. . . we are dealing with simple people, unaware of the subtleties of equity, but understanding very well indeed ...

  • Trusts Law
    By Charlie Webb, Tim Akkouh

    As sub-trusts show, the converse is also true: it is possible to have an equitable interest which is not a beneficial interest. The sub-trustee has an equitable interest in the trust property, but this is not a beneficial interest as he ...

  • Trusts Law
    By Charlie Webb, Tim Akkouh

    Summarising the shift in how the courts interpret such expressions, Cotton lj stated: I have no hesitation in saying myself, that I think some of the older authorities went a great deal too far in holding that some particular words ...

  • Trusts Law
    By Charlie Webb, Tim Akkouh

    This book is an ideal companion for both law undergraduate and GDL/CPE students. New to this Edition: - A new chapter on creating a trust

  • Trusts Law
    By ROUTLEDGE, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Routledge Cavendish

    Cavendish lawcards are complete pocket sized guides to the key examinable areas of law.

  • Trusts Law: Text and Materials
    By Graham Moffat

    This new edition takes account of all relevant judicial and legislative developments since the third edition, and expands discussion of key themes in current developments of the law.

  • Trusts Law: Text and Materials
    By Graham Moffat

    "This fifth edition retains its hallmark combination of a contextualised approach and a commercial focus.

  • Trusts Law: Text & Materials
    By Graham Moffat, John Dewar, Gerard M. D. Bean

    A presentation of the law of trusts within the social and legal contexts in which trusts commonly appear and the functions they perform, this new edition takes account of all relevant judicial and legislative developments since the third ...

  • Trusts Law: Text & Materials
    By Graham Moffat, Michael Chesterman, John Dewar

    This text's underlying premise is that an investigation of the social and legal contexts in which trusts commonly appear and the functions which trusts perform within these contexts, is an...

  • Trusts Law: Text and Materials
    By Graham Moffat

    "This fifth edition retains its hallmark combination of a contextualised approach and a commercial focus.