
  • Turkey: The Rough Guide
    By Marc Dubin, Rosie Ayliffe, John Gawthrop

    Connect is a fun, four-level, multi-skills American English course especially written and designed for young adolescents. The comprehensive, interleaved Teacher's Edition 2 provides step-by-step instructions to present, practice, and review...

  • Turkey
    By Charles Raphael Frank, Kwang Suk Kim, Larry E. Westphal


  • Turkey
    By Kristin Van Cleaf

    Common shrubs include laurel, holly, walnut, and myrtle. Deciduous (dih-SIH-juh-wuhs) forests cover other areas along the Black Sea. Beech, fir, yew, oak, and hornbeam trees grow in these woods. Coniferous trees are common above 3,300 ...

  • Turkey: The Complete Guide Including the Best of the Archaeological Sites and Beach Resorts
    By Aaron Sugarman, Inc. Staff, Fodor's Travel Publications

    The best guide to Turkey, completely updated Walking and driving tours, with visits to Ottoman palaces and Greek, Roman, and Byzantine sites Unspoiled Black Sea and Mediterranean beaches, Aegean cruises...

  • Turkey
    By Stanley Lane-Poole

    This is a fantastic work written by an accomplished historian of the nineteenth century. To compliment the republication of this work, a brand new introductory biography of the author has been added.

  • Turkey: Imper Cities
    By Roger Taylor

    Turkey: Imper Cities

  • Turkey
    By Inc., Scott Newman, Fodor's Travel Publications

    Sii|eyman the Magnificent commissioned Sinan to build this grandiose stone palace overlooking the Hippodrome in about 1520, for his brother-inlaw, the grand vizier, Ibrahim Pasha, and today it is one of the most important surviving ...

  • Turkey: The Challenge of a New Role
    By Andrew Mango

    This book examines Turkey's position in the world at the end of the Cold War.

  • Turkey
    By Dana Facaros, Michael Pauls

    Gathers information about the history, geography, climate, people, and culture of Turkey, and includes advice on transportation, accommodations, dining, shopping, and sightseeing.

  • Turkey
    By Dana Facaros, Michael Pauls

    Turkey today is one of the best travel bargains in the Mediterranean. This fully updated fourth edition covers the most popular areas of the country, from bustling booming Istanbul to...

  • Turkey: Third Edition
    By Sean Sheehan, Yong Jui Lin

    It starts in a Punch-and-Judy fashion with Hacivat being ridiculed by his colleague for speaking nonsense. This leads into the second part, where the puppet master displays his or her skill in manipulating the figures through ...

  • Turkey: More Than 100 Recipes, with Tales from the Road
    By Leanne Kitchen

    Presents a collection of more than one hundred recipes from the seven regions of Turkey along with short travelogues introducing the regional specialties, ingredients, and cooking techniques.

  • Turkey: A Travel Survival Kit
    By Tom Brosnahan

    Fully revised and updated with dedicated trekking chapter by local trekking specialist, this is a comprehensive and informative guide on the history and environment of Turkey.

  • Turkey: The Pendulum between Military Rule and Civilian Authoritarianism
    By Fatih Çağatay Cengiz

    arguments also revolve around the rejection of the term “military tutelage”1 in Turkey, which ruled for decades. ... and presented it with a positive attribute in his book Political Tutelage and Democracy in Turkey: The Free Party ...

  • Turkey: Political, Social and Economic Challenges in The 1990s

    With the Cold War behind us, Turkey has emerged as a major economic entity and an important partner for discussions of advancement and progress for the region.

  • Turkey: Violations of Free Expression in Turkey
    By Human Rights Watch, Christopher Panico

    Recommendations--Background--International Legal Obligations--Freedom of Expression in Turkey Today--Violence Against Journalists--Imprisoned Journalists--Restrictions on Free expression--Restrictions on the Use of the Kurdish Language.

  • Turkey: More than 100 Recipes, with Tales from the Road
    By Leanne Kitchen

    Experience the tastes and the sights of the Middle Eastern nation of Turkey with this blend of cookbook and travelogue.

  • Turkey
    By Collectif,

    Plus, DK's excellent insider tips and essential local information will help you explore every corner of Turkey effortlessly. DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Turkey showing you what others only tell you.

  • Turkey: Challenges of Continuity and Change
    By Turkey), Meliha Benli Altunışık, Meliha Altunisik

    Altunisik and Kavli have produced a general introduction to contemporary Turkey that focuses primarily on recent developments in politics, economics and international relations set against the formation and ideology of the Turkish state.

  • Turkey: Environmental Technologies Export Market Plan
    By Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee

    Turkey: Environmental Technologies Export Market Plan