Neumann, Iver. Uses of the Other: The 'East' in European Identity Formation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999. Nicolaïdis, Kalypso. “Southern Barbarians? A Postcolonial Critique of Univeralism.
2006 marks another turning point both in the evolution of Turkish environmental policy and the EU impact on Turkish environmental legislation. In 2006 the Environment Law14 renewed and the EU Integrated Environmental Approximation ...
This book offers valuable insights on the effectiveness of europeanisation for all those within and without the framework of the European Union.
... Turkeys's Strategic Position at the Crossroads of World Affairs (Honolulu, HI: University Press of the Pacific, 2002), p. v. Black et al., Turkey's Strategic Position at the Crossroads of World Affairs, p. 2. F. Stephen Larrabee and Ian O.
This book by two leading experts provides a comprehensive analysis of Turkey's relationship with the European Union, set in its regional and international context.
This book will be of interest to researchers and students of Turkey-EU relations, EU external relations Law, Europeanization and Turkish and Middle Eastern politics.