38–27 Zhao Jingxiang and Stanley H. Ward, An Overview of Exploration Geophysics in China 1988 (Tulsa, Okla.: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1989). Only known ed. Said to include bibliographies and index. 545 pp.
U of Hawaii 46-28 “ Han - ying , han - fa , han - de , han - ri , han - e yixue da cidian ” bianzuan weiyuanhui ( ed . ) , Han - ying yixue da cidian “ The Chinese - English Medical Dictionary ” ( Beijing : Renmin weisheng , 1987 ) .
The twentieth century was a time of great change in China-for its government, economy, culture, and everyday life. It was a period of revolutions, and Twentieth Century China chronicles these...
Twentieth Century China
Twentieth Century China
Twentieth Century China: Tradition and Revolution