Previous edition entered under: Grace J. Craig.
Brenner, J., 477 Bretherton, I., 148, 151, 452 Brewaeys, A., 462 Bronfenbrenner, U., 425, 426 Brooker, S., 499 Brookes, S., 194 Brooks, J., 477 Brooks, P., 366, 369 Brooks-Gunn, J., 148, 150, 151, 412,472 Brown, A., 260, 266–7, 276–7, ...
For undergraduate courses in Lifespan Development and Human Development An interdisciplinary approach with an emphasis on culture and family Using an interdisciplinary...
Students draw on their own experiences as they weigh the research and ideas presented in the text. This brief text is ideal for undergraduate courses in Lifespan Development and Human Development.
This volume provides a positive remedy to past deficiencies in volumes on hu man development with a well-organized structure that leads the reader from a general introduction through the basic processes to methodological issues and the ...
Understanding Human Development
How does a fertilized egg become a person? How do the processes which shape the common features of human development also produce the rich variety of individual diversity? Understanding Human...
The book takes a multidimensional approach to understanding the complexities of personal experience, and applies theoretical knowledge of human beings and the social environment, of adversity and oppression, and of coping and adaptation, to ...
This book presents a theoretical framework for this endeavor - an architecture for the study of human development across different disciplines.
This chronologically organized text has an applied focus and is intentionally selective in the topics it includes so that the full text can be managed within one semester. It assumes...
... development . In this application of control theory , the long - standing and widely used concepts of selection and of compensation as basic processes in human development ( e.g. , Backman , & Dixon , 1992 ; Baltes & Baltes , 1990 ...
Rev. ed. of: Understanding human development / Grace J. Craig, Wendy L. Dunn. c2010.
The 4th Edition has been thoroughly revised to include the latest research, as well as topics of contemporary interest -- such as changing notions of family, the effects of media on children, and recent LGBT issues -- that will draw ...