If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyMusicLab search for 0134126734 / 9780134126739 ¿Understanding Music plus MyMusicLab for Music Appreciation – Access Card Package, 8/e,which includes: 0133792455 / 9780133792454 ...
This collection of wide-ranging essays covers all aspects of the theory and practice of music, showing the significance of music as an expression of the moral life.
Philosophy and Interpretation Roger Scruton. Sehr ruhig ~v Example 2 Piano Example 3 tourist trade ( 'idyllic' being a cliche too), special occasions, evenings out and candlelit dinners in discreet surroundings.
This book takes you on a journey of music from past to present, from the Middle Ages to the Baroque Period to the 20th century and beyond!
This collection of wide-ranging essays covers all aspects of the theory and practice of music, showing the significance of music as an expression of the moral life.
Understanding Music
Describes what is interesting about a whole range of musical styles, from plainsong to punk
Antony Hopkins was most instrumental in opening up classical music to a wider audience. To celebrate his 90th birthday in 2011 (21st March, same date as Bach but different year) we are republishing some of his works.
Emphasizes careful listening, with an entire chapter devoted to the "Art of Listening" Places Western music in a global context Clarifies the distinct stylistic features of each historical period,...
KEY BENEFITUnderstanding Music, 6/e teaches students what to listen for in music. Jeremy Yudkin’s text is a rich music appreciation program that supports the instructor’s ultimate goal of teaching active...
Engage Students – This book is designed in every way to keep students engaged.