Understanding Music

  • Understanding Music
    By Jeremy Yudkin

    If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyMusicLab search for 0134126734 / 9780134126739 ¿Understanding Music plus MyMusicLab for Music Appreciation – Access Card Package, 8/e,which includes: 0133792455 / 9780133792454 ...

  • Understanding Music: Philosophy and Interpretation
    By Roger Scruton

    This collection of wide-ranging essays covers all aspects of the theory and practice of music, showing the significance of music as an expression of the moral life.

  • Understanding Music: Philosophy and Interpretation
    By Roger Scruton

    Philosophy and Interpretation Roger Scruton. Sehr ruhig ~v Example 2 Piano Example 3 tourist trade ( 'idyllic' being a cliche too), special occasions, evenings out and candlelit dinners in discreet surroundings.

  • Understanding Music: Past and Present
    By N. Alan Clark, Thomas Heflin, Jeffrey Kluball

    This book takes you on a journey of music from past to present, from the Middle Ages to the Baroque Period to the 20th century and beyond!

  • Understanding Music: Philosophy and Interpretation
    By Roger Scruton

    This collection of wide-ranging essays covers all aspects of the theory and practice of music, showing the significance of music as an expression of the moral life.

  • Understanding Music

    Understanding Music

  • Understanding Music
    By Judy Tatchell

    Describes what is interesting about a whole range of musical styles, from plainsong to punk

  • Understanding Music
    By Antony Hopkins

    Antony Hopkins was most instrumental in opening up classical music to a wider audience. To celebrate his 90th birthday in 2011 (21st March, same date as Bach but different year) we are republishing some of his works.

  • Understanding Music
    By Jeremy Yudkin

    Emphasizes careful listening, with an entire chapter devoted to the "Art of Listening" Places Western music in a global context Clarifies the distinct stylistic features of each historical period,...

  • Understanding Music
    By Jeremy Yudkin

    KEY BENEFITUnderstanding Music, 6/e teaches students what to listen for in music. Jeremy Yudkin’s text is a rich music appreciation program that supports the instructor’s ultimate goal of teaching active...

  • Understanding Music
    By Jeremy Yudkin

    Engage Students – This book is designed in every way to keep students engaged.