It is useful to quote at length Evans' (2004) subsequent reinterpretation of ability: Evans (2004) proposes that ability may be described as how valued a person's habitus is in a specific field. . . [such as a sports team] and the ...
Gilbert, W. & Côté, J. (2013). Defining coaching effectiveness: Focus on coaches« knowledge. In P. Potrac, W. Gilbert, J. Denison (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sports Coaching. ... In C. Hardy & M. Mawer (eds.) Learning and Teaching in ...
This is an essential textbook for any degree-level course in sports coaching, and for any professional coach looking to develop their coaching expertise.
This book is essential reading for all students of sports coaching and for any professional coach looking to develop their coaching expertise.
'Understanding Sports Coaching' is relevant for working with athletes of all abilities.
This is an essential textbook for any degree-level course in sports coaching, and for any professional coach looking to develop their coaching expertise.