This book encompasses the whole of the Victorian period giving equal prominence to social and cultural topics alongside the politics and economics.
With a clear introduction outlining the key themes of the period, a detailed timeline, and suggestions for further reading and relevant internet resources, this is the ideal companion for all students of the nineteenth century.
9 Tony Collins, “Work, Rest and Play: Recent Trends in the History of Sport and Leisure,” Journal of Contemporary History, 42.2 (April, 2007), pp. 397–410. ... 15 Susan Barton, Working-Class Organisations and Popular Tourism, 1840–1970 ...
With a clear introduction outlining the key themes of the period, a detailed timeline, and suggestions for further reading, this is the ideal companion for all students of the nineteenth century.
20 John K. Walton, “Towns and Consumerism” [1840–1950], in Martin J. Daunton (ed.), The Cambridge Urban History of ... 31 Amanda Vickery, Behind Closed Doors: At Home in Georgian England (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009).
This third edition is fully updated with new chapters on emotion and on Britain’s relationship with Europe as well as added discussions of architecture, technology, and the visual arts.