Heritage is, by and large, dismissed as superficial junk, 'tabloid history' (Walsh, 1992: 1) 'bogus history' (Hewison, 1987) or as simply inauthentic by these commentators. Moreover, the notion of an apparently more meaningful and ...
In their accounts, both Cheong and Miller (2000) and Hollinshead (1999), however, have sought to demonstrate the relevance of Foucauldian notions of power to tourism research more generally. They both argue that power relations are not ...
Understanding Tourism examines tourism in 1000 questions and answers.
A critical overview of the core theories, concepts and ideas that have shaped the way we think about tourism.
Understanding Tourism
... tourism. Students need to know what progress they are making, to test and consolidate their knowledge. Teachers need to know how their students are progressing, what ... understanding tourism, comprises about one-third, well over ix Preface.