Others adamantly opposed Hitler and the entire Nazi agenda; Sophie Scholl and Dietrich Bonhoeffer are two examples. University student Sophie Scholl (1921–1943) was executed in Munich for distributing anti-Nazi literature as a member of ...
A Road Map for Justice and Peace David Whitten Smith, Elizabeth Geraldine Burr. t'rom Jerusalem and thefirst Jerusalem ... Rahhis thought out ways to preserve .ludaism withoth the temple or its sacrit'icc. In their place. they put the ...
Understanding other religions is no longer an academic, ivory tower exercise. In this timely and important book, Dr, Braswell provides an introduction to the major world religions, as well as many of the minor ones.
Understanding World Religions presents religion as a complex and intriguing matrix of history, philosophy, culture, beliefs, and practices.
Understanding World Religions studies major worldviews in relation to justice and peace: Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Marxist, and Native American.