The guide presents architectural walks of a campus that is distinguished by landmark buildings. Thomas traces the university's rich history from its founding in 1749 to the present wave of construction on the modern campus.
... 9 am3:30 pm lunch express ; Monday - Thursday 5 pm-7:30pm dinner express Bene Pizza Location : 1920 Commons , lower level Food : Pizza Favorite Dish : Personal Pie Hours : Monday - Friday 10:30 am-9pm Houston Market Location : 3417 ...
This photograph was taken in January 1961 , at the time of the building's dedication . George E. Thomas and David B. Brownlee explain in Building America's First University that the rooms were originally designed as singles but during ...
Book of photographs of contemporary people and places of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
Excerpt from University of Pennsylvania: Official Guide To acquaint the members of the\ Student Guides' Association, and others, with the physical equipment and resources of the University of Pennsylvania, and to assist the students and ...