LISTING 6.5 Swatch Configuration Examples # System crashes and halts watchfor /(panic|halt)/ echo bell mail exec "call_pager 3667615 0911" # System reboots watchfor /SunOS Release/ echo bell mail exec "call_pager 3667615 0411" The ...
Unix Unleashed, Third Edition is written with the power user and system administrator in mind. This book will help the reader understand the nuances of the major Unix variants including...
Coverage of these topics: Overview and basic tutorial - Extensive command reference with syntax and usage examples - Bourne (Again), Kom, C and other minor shells evaluated Navigating the Network...
Coverage includes the following: Graphical user interfaces for end-user and programmer - Text editing with vi and emacs - Program in awk, Perl, C, C++ - Text formatting with troff/nroff...
System V; release 4.0; all user levels.