Although I have considered Marcuse, Habermas, Connolly and Lukes together, on the grounds that they all wish to retain an ultimate subjective referent for their conceptions of interests, there does appear to be one significant ...
Interestingly, even leaders of Houston's African American community also attacked the Kingwood annexation, a move that added thousands of white voters to the city's voting rolls, diluting the power that black voters had gained in ...
Brian P. Gill, P. Michael Timpane, Karen E. Ross, and Dominic J. Brewer, Rhetoric Versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know About Vouchers and Charter Schools (New York: RAND Education, 2001), reviews the effect of school ...
Urban Politics
Political scientist Paul Peterson has used Tiebout's basic formulation in his City Limits.27 But Peterson broadens the concept beyond the singular concern for the economic character ...
Brian P. Gill et al., Inspiration, Perspiration, and Time: Operations and Achievements in Edison Schools (Santa Monica, ... David N. Plank, and Gary Sykes, “Teachers Unions in Hard Times,” 204–206, both in Conflicting Mission?
This text mixes the best classic theory and research on urban politics with the most recent developments in urban and metropolitan affairs. Six fundamental themes guide the book: the importance...
Steve McGovern’s Urban Politics: A Reader examines the changing structure of political power in cities through the lens of historical development, accompanied with brief explorations of pertinent public policy issues.
James H. Svara, Official Leadership in the City: Patterns of Conflict and Cooperation (New York: Oxford University Press ... of the Empowered Mayor: The 'Stronger Mayor' in Cincinnati, Ohio,” in The Facilitative Leader in City Hall, ed.
The book also develops important subthemes: the impact of globalization; the dominance of economic development over competing local policy concerns; the continuing importance of race in the urban arena; local government activism versus the ...
Urban Politics: The Political Culture of Gangs is a juxtaposition of street gang organizations and government theory and organization. It is a civil philosophy reference book that examines street gang...
In Chicago, service contracting is not simply a means to improve service efficiency: the local Democratic organization also dispensed contracts to its friends as a form of patronage. (See Box 8.5, “Service Contracting: 'PinStripe ...
"This innovative volume offers a much needed update on urban politics in a globalized world.
... 110 Livingston Street Revisited. New York: New York University Press, 1983, Chapter 1, for a review of some of these developments. 9. Allen H. Barton, et al., editors, Decentralizing City Government. Lexington, MA: Lexington, 1977. 10 ...
With case study material integrated throughout, and consideration given to the discussion of different urban politics from multiple theoretical perspectives, this is a completely up to date overview for students of urban geography, urban ...