“The point was confirmed not just by Western students of the Koran, but by many of the early reports of life in the Ottoman Empire: George of Hungary noted that Muslims accepted as great prophets Moses, David, and Jesus as well as ...
The heroes in this story are men and women such as Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman and Justice Department prosecutor Eli Rosenbaum, who worked for decades to hold hearings, find and investigate alleged Nazi war criminals, and successfully ...
Zur Titulatur der römischen Kaiser durch die Osmanen nach dem Vertrag von Zsitvatorok (1606)', Wiener Zeitschrift für die ... and H. Stratenwerth, eds., Recht und Reich im Zeitalter der Reformation: Festschrift für Horst Rabe, 2nd edn.
Keen investigates why conflicts are so prevalent and so intractable, even when one side has much greater military resources.
Useful Enemies: America's Open-door Policy for Nazi War Criminals
In this path-breaking book Noel Malcolm ranges through these vital centuries of East-West interaction, studying all the ways in which thinkers in the West interpreted the Ottoman Empire as a political phenomenon - and Islam as a political ...