... of Nora Murphy on “living out my personal principles in my professional evaluation practice,” included here as a sidebar). Living Out My Personal Principles in My Professional Evaluation Practice Nora F. Murphy Inspire to Change, ...
Both practical and theoretical, Utilization-Focused Evaluation: The New Century Text, Third Edition tells how to conduct program evaluations and why to conduct them in the manner prescribed. Each chapter contains...
Wright, S. R., 398 Wright, W., 143 Wye, C. G., 15, 27, 392 Wysocki, R. K., 207 Yin, R. K., 434, 462, 463 Zadeh, L. A., 238 Zetterman, H., 16 Zielinski, D., 182 Zimmerman, B., 138, 280, 282, 318, 371, 372, 374, 443 Zinman, J., ...
Practitioners will also find this text invaluable.
The second edition of Patton's classic text retains the practical advice, based on empirical observation and evaluation theory, of the original. It shows how to conduct an evaluation, from beginning...
The Fifth Edition of the bestselling Utilization-Focused Evaluation provides expert, detailed advice on conducting evaluations that promote effective use of the findings.
Practitioners will also find this text invaluable.
The second edition of Patton's classic text retains the practical advice, based on empirical observation and evaluation theory, of the original. It shows how to conduct an evaluation, from beginning...
The Fifth Edition of the bestselling Utilization-Focused Evaluation provides expert, detailed advice on conducting evaluations that promote effective use of the findings.
This edition also incorporates the considerable research done on utilization during the last ten years.