An awareness of our own ethical assumptions, and how these inform our practice, is crucial for the student social worker. The second edition of this bestselling book is now split into two parts.
David Lewis, an engineer with Network Rail, broke down in tears at the hearing when he admitted that he had forgotten to check the points in question. However, it emerged that Mr Lewis had repeatedly warned the company that shortage of ...
Thompson's ( 2001 ) PCS model may be helpful here . The model offers a straightforward frame for looking at how inequalities and discrimination manifest and perpetuate themselves in ' the social circumstances of clients , and in the ...
Harne, L. and Radford, J. (2008) Tackling Domestic Violence: Theories, Policy and Practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press. ... Hume, D. (2007 [1739]) A Treatise of Human Nature. Sioux Falls, SD: Nuvision. Humphrey, C. (2009) 'The ...
Social workers who genuinely wish to do the right thing by their services users have no alternative but to constantly think and rethink the principles and assumptions that inform their actions, and this book supports them on their journey.
An awareness of our own ethical assumptions, and how these inform our practice, is crucial for the student social worker. The second edition of this bestselling book is now split into two parts.
- Satisfies all the curriculum and training requirements for the new social work degree. Mapping directly on to first year courses, this text is essential reading for all social work undergraduates.