
  • Victimology
    By William G. Doerner, Steven P. Lab

    Anderson, D. A. (1999). The aggregate burden of crime. Journal of Law and Economics, 42, 611–642. Anderson, J. G. (1977). ... In E. McLaughlin, R. Fergusson, G. Hughes & L. Westmarland (Eds.), Restorative justice: Critical issues.

  • Victimology
    By William G. Doerner, Steven P. Lab

    More recently , though , there has been a call for renewed investigation into the phenomenon ( Bogard , 1990 ; Lucal , 1995 ; McFarlane et al . , 2000 ; McNeely and Mann , 1990 ; Morse , 1995 ) , as well as into violence within ...

  • Victimology
    By Leah E. Daigle, Lisa R. Muftic

    Davis, R., O'Sullivan, C., Guthrie, P., & Ross, T. (2006). Reducing repeat sexual revictimization: A field test with an urban sample. New York, NY: Vera Institute of Justice. Davis, R. C., Smith, B. E., & Davies, H. J. (2001).

  • Victimology: Theories and Applications
    By Burgess

    Retrieved from Wolfe, D., Crooks, C., Lee, V., McIntyre-Smith, A., & Jaffe, P. (2003). The effects of children's exposure to domestic violence: A ...

  • Victimology: Theories and Applications
    By Cheryl Regehr, Ann Burgess, Albert Roberts

    Wolfe, D., Crooks, C., Lee, V., McIntyre-Smith, A., & Jaffe, P. (2003). The effects of children's exposure to domestic violence: A meta-analysis and critique. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 6(3), 177–187.

  • Victimology: Crime Victimization and Victim Services
    By Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence, Lisa Growette Bostaph, Danielle D. Swerin

    Hong, J.S., Espelage, D.L., Grogan-Kaylor, A., & Allen-Meares, P. (2012). ... Retrieved on April 16, 2008, from billtext.xpd?bill1/4h110-1592 Howley, S., & Dorris, C.F. (2013).

  • Victimology
    By William G. Doerner, Steven P. Lab

    Many individuals are either unprepared or unwilling to accept these new responsibilities; this frequently leads to abuse and neglect (Galbraith, 1989; Phillips, 1986). As the aging person faces changing needs and begins to rely upon ...

  • Victimology
    By William G. Doerner, Steven P. Lab

    American Journal of Police, 14(1), 131–148. Bromley, M. L. (1999). Community college crime: An exploratory review. Journal of Security Administration, 22, 11–21. Brown, E. C., Low, S., Smith, B. H., & Haggerty, K. P. (2011).

  • Victimology: A Comprehensive Approach
    By Leah E. Daigle, Lisa R. Muftic

    ... victims' rights movement in, 119 Gibson, Chris, 33 Gibson, Mel, 185–186 Gillis, J. R., 293 Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking (GBCAT), 311 Global victimology, 2–4 Glunt, E. K., 293 Goodman, M., 59 Gottfredson, ...

  • Victimology
    By William G. Doerner, Steven P. Lab

    Cassell, P.G., 101, 103, 369-370 Castillo, R., 126 Castro, I., 109 Causby, V., 211, 213 Chaffin, M., 269 Challeen, ... 214 Colomb, W, 80 Combs, D.L., 264 Connelly, K.I., 141, 143 Conrad, C., 268-269 Cook, R.F., 142, 143 Corbin, VV.R.

  • Victimology
    By Burgess

    ... IPV-related homicides noted that 79.2% deaths were perpetrated by a current or former intimate partner and one in 10 victims experienced some form of violence in the month preceding their death (Petrosky, Blair, Betz et al., 2017).

  • Victimology: Legal, Psychological, and Social Perspectives
    By Harvey Wallace

    Suggested Readings Wade Prosser , & Schwartz , Cases and Materials on Torts , 5th ed . ( West Publishing Co. , St. Paul , Minn . ) 1984 w / 1988 Supp . Endnotes 1. Vosburg v . Putney , 50 N.W. 403 ( Wis . 1891 ) . 2.

  • Victimology: Victimisation and Victims' Rights
    By David Denham, Lorraine Wolhuter, Neil Olley

    Duff,P.(1998)'The measure of criminalinjuries compensation: political pragmatism or dog's dinner?', Oxford JournalofLegal Studies,18: 105–42. Dunbar, E.(2006) 'Race, ... P.Farrington andJ.Gunn(eds)Reaction to Crime:thepublic, police, ...

  • Victimology: Victimisation and Victims' Rights
    By David Denham, Lorraine Wolhuter, Neil Olley

    ... per cent of crime whilst making up approximately 20 per cent (10,817,000) of the population of England and Wales (Chivite-Matthews and Maggs, 2002, p. 6). Households headed by 30–59-year-olds faced the majority of acts of vandalism ...

  • Victimology: Crime Victimization and Victim Services
    By Lisa Growette Bostaph

    ... Y., 269 Leets, L., 356 Lehman, T., 178 Lehnen, R.G., 20, 21 Leitenberg, H., 181 LeMasney, J.W., 268 Lenhart, A., 302 Leslie, B., 442 Leventhal, J., 268 Levin, J., 356 Levin, W.C., 356 Leviton, S.C., 105 Lewis, A.M., 304 Lewis, I.A., ...

  • Victimology
    By Ann Wolbert Burgess, Cheryl Regehr, Albert R. Roberts

    The history and theories of victimology are explored, as well as definitive laws and policies, strategies for intervention, and future research areas.New to the Second Edition:-All case studies have been updated to offer students a modern ...

  • Victimology: Theories and Applications
    By Ann Wolbert Burgess, Cheryl Regehr, Albert R. Roberts

    Jones and Bartlett Publishers 40 Tall Pine Drive Sudbury, MA 01776 978-443-5000 [email protected] Jones and Bartlett's books and products are available through most bookstores and online booksellers. To contact Jones and ...

  • Victimology
    By William G. Doerner, Steven P. Lab

    ... 50 Bowleg, L., 186 Bradley, P.W., 114 Braithwaite, ]., 11s-120, 133 Bratton, W., 324 Braverman, M., 360-361, 363 Bray, T.M., 178 Brecklin, L.E, 159 Bridenback, M.L., 114 Brien, V.O., 92 Bromley, M.L., 378 Brookman, F., 343 Brookoff, ...

  • Victimology
    By William G. Doerner, Steven P. Lab

    Johnson, S. D., Bowers, K., & Hirschfield, A. (1997). New insights into the spatial and temporal ... In D. R. Karp & T. Clear (eds), What is community justice? ... Editorial: firearmrelated violence—What we don't know is killing us.

  • Victimology
    By Leah E. Daigle, Lisa R. Muftic

    If the relationship continues, Walker proposes that the cycle of violence is likely to start over. Remember, though, not all abuse is repetitive and most abuse is not the explosive type of violence that Walker's cycle of violence ...