Retrieved from Fein, R., Vossekuil, B., Pollack, W., Borum, R., Modzeleski, W., & Reddy, ... Gorman, E., Harmon, C., Mendolia, S., Staneva, A., & Walker, I. (2019).
This book provides a proven methodology for analyzing concerning behaviors and potential threatening situations in workplace environments and explores action that can be taken before tragedy occurs.
In A. Raine, P.A. Brennan, D.P. Farrington and S.A. Mednick (Eds.), Biosocial Bases of Violence (pp. 69–88). ... Manton, M. and Talbot, A. (1990) Crisis intervention after an armed hold-up: Guidelines for counselors.
The next statistical window of significant probability is 14 days after a significant event. After that, re-engagement or “probing” behavior most likely will occur (calls, letters, e-mails, physical approaches with attempted ...
New to the Second Edition: Previous chapters updated New case histories Advice on how to obtain additional behavioral information in victim and witness interviews An examination of ethical problems caused by unqualified assessors A chapter ...
The principle focus of this book is not sociological theory, or even clinical assessment, but practical intervention, monitoring, and control of violence.