Voices from Criminal Justice, Second Edition, gives students rich insight into the criminal justice system from the point of view of practitioners, as well as outsiders—citizens, clients, jurors, probationers, or inmates.
In addition, instead of providing a catalog of information, this book offers a framework for more advanced students in special issues or capstone courses to synthesize information from earlier courses and develop their own view of American ...
Instead of providing a "catalog of information" this book gives students rich insights into what it is like to work within the system (as practitioners) as well as from those who experience criminal justice as outsiders (as citizens, ...
Voices from Criminal Justice, Second Edition, gives students rich insight into the criminal justice system from the point of view of practitioners, as well as outsiders—citizens, clients, jurors, probationers, or inmates.
II Judicial -- A Practitioners -- 11. Representing the Underdog: The Righteous Development of Death Penalty Defense Attorneys -- 12. How Can You Prosecute These People? -- 13.
Instead of providing a "catalog of information" this book gives students rich insights into what it is like to work within the system (as practitioners) as well as from those who experience criminal justice as outsiders (as citizens, ...