Jackiewicz, E. 2004. Tourism Without Threat? Experts from Rural Costa Rica. Annals of Tourism Research, 32, 266–8. Jankaew, K., Atwater, B.F., Sawai, Y., Choowong, M., Charoentitirat, T., Martin, M.E. and Prendergast, A. 2008.
Volunteer tourism describes a field of tourism, in which travelers visit a destination and take part in projects in the local community.
By contrast, this volume analyses volunteer tourism as indicative of a retreat from public politics into the realm of private experience, and as an expression of diminished political and moral agency.
Master's Thesis from the year 2012 in the subject Sociology - Work, Profession, Education, Organisation, grade: 1,0, Technical University of Munich (Lehrstuhl für Forstwirtschaft und Ressourcenmanagement), language: English, abstract: ...
These themes are examined in a range of international case studies, demonstrating the wide range of issues associated with volunteer tourism. This volume is a timely addition offering an innovative approach to the area.
This statement, taken from the website of Aquila Tours, which is one of the first Canadian tour operators offering this kind of volunteer tourism, shows how this type of tourism is advertised and sold to the customer as a new kind of travel ...
By contrast, this volume analyses volunteer tourism as indicative of a retreat from public politics into the realm of private experience, and as an expression of diminished political and moral agency.
These themes are examined in a range of international case studies, demonstrating the wide range of issues associated with volunteer tourism. This volume is a timely addition offering an innovative approach to the area.
As a branch of alternative tourism, volunteer tourism or 'voluntourism' is responsible for introducing vacationers to parts of developing countries not usually seen through traditional forms of tourism.