
  • Walls
    By D. C. Wilson, Nancy Rabuck Wilson

    B. C. led Carly Samuels, her eyes red and puffy, in to meet Richard. Motioning for her to sit, he started, “Mrs. Samuels, I'm Lieutenant McClain. Your husband is in a lot of trouble and we need your help.” She immediately blurted out, ...

  • Walls: (anamneses)
    By Phong Bui

    "A compendium of aphoristic passages, a flipbook of presences and absences, an exquisitely minimalist travelogue-cum-commonplace book, a remembrance of things past by way of the fragment: it is difficult to categorize this text, which was ...

  • Walls
    By L.M. Elliott

    If Matthias is caught by the Stasi's neighbourhood spies with the records or books Drew has given him, he will be sent to a work camp for 're-education'.

  • Walls
    By L.M. Elliott

    Set in the tumultuous year leading up to the surprise overnight raising of the Berlin Wall in August 1961, and illustrated with dozens of real-life photographs of the time, Walls brings to vivid life a heroic and tragic episode of the Cold ...

  • Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick
    By David Frye

    The questions this book summons are both intriguing and profound: Did walls make civilization possible? And can we live without them? Find out in this masterpiece of historical recovery and preeminent storytelling.

  • Walls: Enclosure and Ethics in the Modern Landscape
    By Thomas Oles

    There are many Berlin Walls, and one need only look carefully to begin to see them. ... 13 If only temporarily, the events organized by Artists Without Walls transform a concrete barrier into a stage for social exchange and political ...

  • Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick
    By David Frye

    The questions this book summons are both intriguing and profound: Did walls make civilization possible? And can we live without them? Find out in this masterpiece of historical recovery and preeminent storytelling.

  • Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick
    By David Frye

    For thousands of years, humans have built walls and assaulted them, admired walls and reviled them. Great Walls have appeared on nearly every continent, the handiwork of people from Persia,...

  • Walls
    By Brad Holdgrafer, Jay Cover

    Walls of all sorts: social walls, border walls, political walls, emotional walls, big walls, old walls, and small walls.

  • Walls: Travels Along the Barricades
    By Marcello Di Cintio

    The world’ s walls are supposed to be coming down.

  • Walls
    By Emma Fischel

    An unforgettable hero. A fresh and unique voice.Meet Ned Harrison Arkle-Smith - he's grumpy, bossy, and exasperating, but you can't help liking him. Oh, and he's just discovered he can walk through walls . . .Ned's world is collapsing.

  • Walls: Travels Along the Barricades
    By Marcello Di Cintio

    Some walls define Us from Them with Medieval clarity. Some walls encourage fear or feed hate. Some walls steal. Others kill.

  • Walls: Enclosure and Ethics in the Modern Landscape
    By Thomas Oles

    This book about walls is genuinely exciting and alive with insights, elegance, rigor, style, and thoughtful humanism.

  • Walls
    By Andrew Duncan Worthington

    "This is the debut of a major new talent. Straightforwardly brilliant writing. This book is so honest, so American, so true to what it is like to be young in America today.