Walter Benjamin

  • Walter Benjamin: Overpowering Conformism
    By Esther Leslie

    ... Cambridge University Press , Cambridge 1984 Hessel , Franz , Ein Flaneur in Berlin ( originally Spazieren in Berlin ) ( 1929 ) , Arsenal , Berlin 1984 Hewitt , Andrew , Fascist Modernism : Aesthetics , Politics and the Avant - Garde ...

  • Walter Benjamin: An Intellectual Biography
    By Bernd Witte

    Both concept and method of this procedure are adapted from Carl Schmitt's work Political Theology : Four chapters on the Doctrine of Sovereignty , published in 1922 , to which Benjamin refers several times by citation .

  • Walter Benjamin

    ... Weber and the Construction of Social Theory Clive Ashworth, Chris Dandeker and Terry Johnson, Theoretical Sociology David Brown and Michael Harrison, Industrial Sociology Emile Durkheim, The Division of Labour in Society (trans.

  • Walter Benjamin: Experiência histórica e imagens dialéticas
    By Carlos Eduardo Jordão Machado, Rubens Machado Jr., Miguel Vedda

    ... Ana Cristina Richter (UFPR), Mary Julia Martins Dietzsch (FE-USP), Inês Ferreira de Souza Bragança (Univ. ... Maria Isabel Ferraz Pereira Leite (Unicamp), Rita Marisa Ribes Pereira (UERJ), Andréa Borges de Medeiros (UFJF-MG).

  • Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings
    By Marcus

    Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings

  • Walter Benjamin: An Aesthetic of Redemption
    By Richard Wolin

    In a new Introduction written especially for this edition, Wolin discusses the unfinished Arcades Project, as well as recent tendencies in the reception of Benjamin's work and the relevance of his ideas to contemporary debates about ...

  • Walter Benjamin: Modernity
    By Peter Osborne

    The belated reception of his work as a literary critic (dating from the late 1950s) has been followed by a rapid series of critical receptions in different contexts: Frankfurt Critical Theory and Marxism, Judaism, Film Theory, Post ...

  • Walter Benjamin: la lengua del exilio
    By Elizabeth Collingwood-Selby

    Walter Benjamin: la lengua del exilio

  • Walter Benjamin: iluminación mística e iluminación profana
    By Eduardo Fernández Gijón

    Walter Benjamin: iluminación mística e iluminación profana

  • Walter Benjamin: o hacia una crítica revolucionaria
    By Terry Eagleton

    El interés por Walter Benjamin ha aumentado en los últimos años.

  • Walter Benjamin: tradução e melancolia
    By Susana Kampff Lages

    Cf. S. SONTAG , “ Sob o Signo de Saturno ” , em Sob o Signo de Saturno , p . 98 . o caso , por exemplo , de Martinho Lutero , que dizia , em 1532 , no período de seu isolamento no castelo de Wartburg , precisamente o período no qual ele ...

  • Walter Benjamin: An Introduction to His Work and Thought
    By Uwe Steiner

    Walter Benjamin reveals the essential coherence of its subject’s thinking while also analyzing the controversial or puzzling facets of Benjamin’s work.

  • Walter Benjamin: Self-Reference and Religiosity
    By Margarete Kohlenback

    Walter Benjamin's work represents one of the most radical and controversial responses to the problems of twentieth-century culture and society.

  • Walter Benjamin: The Colour of Experience
    By Howard Caygill

    ... the arcade provided the further equivocation of a private space which was public : all of which make it the counter - categorical equiva- lent of the Neapolitan staircase . Benjamin described the space of the arcade as a ' residue of a ...

  • Walter Benjamin
    By Howard Eiland

    They offer a comprehensive portrait of Benjamin and his times as well as extensive commentaries on his major works, including "The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility," the essays on Baudelaire, and the great study ...

  • Walter Benjamin: A Philosophical Portrait
    By Eli FRIEDLANDER, _l” Fr”dlander

    Walter Benjamin is often viewed as a cultural critic who produced a vast array of brilliant and idiosyncratic pieces of writing with little more to unify them than the feeling that they all bear the stamp of his "unclassifiable" genius.

  • Walter Benjamin: An Aesthetic of Redemption
    By Richard Wolin

    In a new Introduction written especially for this edition, Wolin discusses the unfinished Arcades Project, as well as recent tendencies in the reception of Benjamin's work and the relevance of his ideas to contemporary debates about ...

  • Walter Benjamin: Theoretical Questions
    By David S. Ferris

    This collection of nine essays focuses on those writings of Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) on literature and language that have a direct relevance to contemporary literary theory, notably his analyses of myth, violence, history, criticism, ...

  • Walter Benjamin
    By Gershom Scholem

    At once prickly and heartbroken, argumentative and loving, Walter Benjamin: The Story of a Friendship is an absorbing memoir with the complication of character and motive of a novel.

  • Walter Benjamin: Presence of Mind, Failure to Comprehend
    By Stéphane Symons

    Presence of Mind, Failure to Comprehend Stéphane Symons offers an innovative reading of the work of German philosopher, essayist and literary critic Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) that characterizes his writings as "neither a-theological, nor ...