... Radio, like every other medium, must be developed in accordance with its own specific technical logic. Benjamin's attempts at experimentation in this regard are perhaps best illustrated by his one-hour 'radio play for children ...
... radio . Benjamin sought ways to exploit the technical possibilities of radio and , specifically , to encourage audiences to reflect upon the medium to which they were exposed . In March he broadcast at radiophonic work aimed at children ...
Walter Benjamin
Walter Benjamin was perhaps the twentieth century's most elusive intellectual.
Presence of Mind, Failure to Comprehend Stéphane Symons offers an innovative reading of the work of German philosopher, essayist and literary critic Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) that characterizes his writings as "neither a-theological, nor ...
Drawing upon a wealth of journal writings and personal correspondence, Esther Leslie presents a uniquely intimate portrait of one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century, Walter Benjamin.
1927 begann Walter Benjamin anlässlich eines mehrmonatigen Paris-Aufenthalts mit seinen Überlegungen zu den Pariser Passagen, seinem ambitioniertesten, als Geschichtsphilosophie des 19.
Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) is now generally recognized as one of the most original and influential thinkers of this century. In Britain and the United States in particular, he has acquired...
Walter Benjamin
... escribir poesía en estos tiempos es un acto de barbarie». Esta frase la modificará en 1951 y la convertirá en: «escribir poesía después de Auschwitz, es un acto de barbarie». La frase aparecerá ... Después de Auschwitz, todo es adorno» ...