... 1998 ) , 37-45 ; James A. Henretta , The Evolution of American Society , 1700-1815 ( Lexington , 1973 ) , 41ff . 21. William Howe to George Germain , 26 April 1776 , Historical Manuscripts Commission , Manuscripts of Mrs. Stopford ...
The gripping true story of Washington Crossing the Delaware - how George Washington saved the faltering American Revolution with daring attack at Christmas 1776.
... s Crossing Washington' s Crossing Johnson's Ferry falls falls Doylestown Doylestown D e l a w a r e R iv er D e la w a r e R iv e r Beatty's Ferry Ewing's Ewing's Beatty's Ferry Force Force (failed) (failed) Howell's Ferry Yardley's ...
... or, Life in New Jersey in the Eighteenth Century (Somerville, N.J., 1889); Elizabeth G. C. Menzies, Millstone Valley (New Brunswick, 1956); Margaret Cowley, Exploring the Little Rivers of New Jersey (New Brunswick, 1971); Hubert G.
Provides an account of a pivotal moment in American history--the Christmas night crossing of the Delaware River to mount a sneak attack on British and Hessian troops at Trenton, New Jersey.
Six months after the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution was all but lost. Yet Washington--and many other Americans--refused to let it die.
This is the backdrop of one of the most daring surprise attacks in American history - Washington's crossing of the Delaware and the subsequent victory at Trenton.