Washington's Crossing

  • Washington's Crossing
    By David Hackett Fischer

    ... 1998 ) , 37-45 ; James A. Henretta , The Evolution of American Society , 1700-1815 ( Lexington , 1973 ) , 41ff . 21. William Howe to George Germain , 26 April 1776 , Historical Manuscripts Commission , Manuscripts of Mrs. Stopford ...

  • Washington's Crossing
    By David Hackett Fischer

    The gripping true story of Washington Crossing the Delaware - how George Washington saved the faltering American Revolution with daring attack at Christmas 1776.

  • Washington's Crossing
    By David Hackett Fischer

    ... s Crossing Washington' s Crossing Johnson's Ferry falls falls Doylestown Doylestown D e l a w a r e R iv er D e la w a r e R iv e r Beatty's Ferry Ewing's Ewing's Beatty's Ferry Force Force (failed) (failed) Howell's Ferry Yardley's ...

  • Washington's Crossing
    By David Hackett Fischer

    ... or, Life in New Jersey in the Eighteenth Century (Somerville, N.J., 1889); Elizabeth G. C. Menzies, Millstone Valley (New Brunswick, 1956); Margaret Cowley, Exploring the Little Rivers of New Jersey (New Brunswick, 1971); Hubert G.

  • Washington's Crossing
    By David Hackett Fischer

    Provides an account of a pivotal moment in American history--the Christmas night crossing of the Delaware River to mount a sneak attack on British and Hessian troops at Trenton, New Jersey.

  • Washington's Crossing
    By David Hackett Fischer, Harmondsworth Professor of American History and Fellow David Hackett Fischer

    Six months after the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution was all but lost. Yet Washington--and many other Americans--refused to let it die.

  • Washington's Crossing: America's First D-Day
    By Robert Child

    This is the backdrop of one of the most daring surprise attacks in American history - Washington's crossing of the Delaware and the subsequent victory at Trenton.