Under the proper conditions, that oil can be extracted from cells, sent to a purification facility, and then used as a biofuel (Gramling 2009). Algal fuels have a number of positive features, compared to other sources of energy.
... rivers and lakes (Rogers 2005). Documentary film producer and author Heather Rogers makes an interesting. History. of. Waste. Management. 17.
Highlighting a range of topics such as contaminant removal, landfill treatment, and recycling, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for environmental engineers, waste authorities, solid waste management companies, landfill operators, ...
Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of waste materials.
Bernd Bilitewski, Georg Härdtle, Klaus Marek. an Altlasten anhand von praktischen Beispielen. ThoméKozmiensky K.J. (Hrsg.): Altlasten 2. Berlin: EFVerlag 1988, S. 439–451 8.7.Barkowski, D.; etal.:Altlasten —Handbuch zurErmittlung und ...
Waste Management: Vol. 3