Waste Management

  • Waste Management: A Reference Handbook
    By David E. Newton

    Under the proper conditions, that oil can be extracted from cells, sent to a purification facility, and then used as a biofuel (Gramling 2009). Algal fuels have a number of positive features, compared to other sources of energy.

  • Waste Management: A Reference Handbook
    By Jacqueline Vaughn

    ... rivers and lakes (Rogers 2005). Documentary film producer and author Heather Rogers makes an interesting. History. of. Waste. Management. 17.

  • Waste Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
    By Management Association, Information Resources

    Highlighting a range of topics such as contaminant removal, landfill treatment, and recycling, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for environmental engineers, waste authorities, solid waste management companies, landfill operators, ...

  • Waste Management: Research Advances to Convert Waste to Wealth
    By A. K. Haghi

    Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of waste materials.

  • Waste Management
    By Bernd Bilitewski, Georg Härdtle, Klaus Marek

    Bernd Bilitewski, Georg Härdtle, Klaus Marek. an Altlasten anhand von praktischen Beispielen. ThoméKozmiensky K.J. (Hrsg.): Altlasten 2. Berlin: EFVerlag 1988, S. 439–451 8.7.Barkowski, D.; etal.:Altlasten —Handbuch zurErmittlung und ...

  • Waste Management: Vol. 3

    Waste Management: Vol. 3