Including an analysis of "A Brief Statement of Faith," which became part of the Book of Confessions in 1991, this book is used in the training program for church officers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
This is series of booklets, sponsored by the Center for Early African Christianity.
We Believe: Catholic Identity
We Believe: Parish Ed
Faith Foundations from A-Z Your family will love this unique board book!
This best-selling guide to the Catholic faith has been revised and cross-referenced to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and follows the four main divisions of the Catechism (Belief, Worship, Christian Life, and Prayer).
Doctrine & Principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon church) set forth in 94 topics and 1208 pages
We Believe: Junior High Basic Belief Studies, Student Guide
Taken from his own catechism courses, We Believe: A Simple Commentary on the Catechism of Christian Doctrine by Monsignor A. N. Gilbey was first published anonymously and became a surprise smash hit.
We Believe: An Interpretation of the 1963 Mennonite Confession of Faith for the Younger Generation
Anyone who has read this book without having known the author will have been aware of the spirit of humility and integrity breathing through its pages.