The cheapest (and smallest) weight training gadget you can buy is a rubber exercise band, which sets you back about $5. But your development of muscle strength is limited to the price of a McDonald's Happy Meal. On the other hand, ...
Whether you’re looking to get started with weights or spice up existing routines, this updated guide is chock-full of exercises that are suited to varying degrees of strength.
Feel strong, toned and terrific with the latest moves in strength training Whether you're a beginner who doesn't know a barbell from a chocolate bar, a fitness junkie looking to expand your knowledge on weight training, or you're recovering ...
In this book, you'll find the knowledge and confidence to start a weight training program, either at home or at a gym. Weight Training For Dummies describes more than 150 exercises suitable for rookies and veterans alike.
Whether you’re looking to get started with weights or spice up existing routines, this updated guide is chock-full of exercises that are suited to varying degrees of strength.
Weight Training for Dummies
Weight Training For Dummies helps you design a program that's right for you with information you not only can trust but also understand.
Featuring illustrated step-by-step exercises plus tips on equipment and specialized workouts, this friendly guide shows you how to get started and get results — at home or at the gym, using free weights or weight machines.