Garrison Keillor, the radio host of “A Prairie Home Companion,” used his new syndicated column with Tribune Media Services to make this claim: I ran into a gray eminence from the Bush I era the other day in an airport, and he said that ...
Powell used the only excuse he could think of for such a late-night call and claimed to have some medicine for the secretary. However, the servant who answered the door would not let him pass. Ignoring him, Powell simply barged through ...
Drawing upon both primary sources and the best recent historical research, What Really Happened: The Lincoln Assassination separates established facts from mere conjectures—and is the one book to own if you want to know “what really ...
Among the questions the book explores are... * What did surviving Nazi eyewitnesses really say about the Führer’s final days in the bunker—and could they have been lying to aid Hitler’s escape? * If Hitler didn’t escape, why did ...
“Tonight we bring you another story behind the news. What ... really ... happened brings you each week a person who made the morning headlines—to tell you in his or her own words what really did happen. “On our.
"This is the inside, no-holds-barred story of the 2016 presidential election as told by a veteran journalist who was in the middle of it from day one - Boston talk-show host Howie Carr, whose radio network includes eight stations in New ...
This book doesn't spin the truth to achieve a prettier picture or a better story. It isn't about changing anyone's mind. It's simply the facts, the truth of what really happened.
... really helped motivate him to do whatever he could to getJohnny the new phone. No matter how early Andrew would have to rise to put it on the plane, or retrieve it from the oddest of places, he was more than willing ... WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.
The book follows the investigation.
... extremely worried. In the throes of a fever, her mother-in-law had fallen off her bed. She had been unconscious since ... happened after this? Here's what could have happened: 1. Sushila said, 'I cannot leave my job, I'd rather leave you ...
What Really Happened: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study