Library of Congress Cataloging - in - Publication Data Walvoord , John F. What we believe : discovering the truths of scripture : an introductory study of biblical doctrine / by John F. Walvoord . p . cm .
A twenty-four lesson course, based on the Belgic Confession, for students in grades 9-12 which teaches the basics of the Christian faith according to the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition.
A twenty-four lesson course, based on the Belgic Confession, for students in grades 9-12 which teaches the basics of the Christian faith according to the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition.
When a person embraces the Christian faith and says with assurance , ' I believe ... , ' then that person has truly embarked upon life . " —R . C. SPROUL To be a Christian is to be one who believes . But believes in what ?
Presents the basics of the Christian faith, and shows how the Creed is firmly grounded in biblical revelation.
Introduces the Black Lives Matter movement with images to color, brief explanatory texts, and questions to stimulate reflection and discussion.
Rooted in that Creed, this study guide will establish your group in the faith, and help you put your beliefs into practice wherever you live. The Pilgrimage Series. The life of following Christ was never meant to be solitary.
Written by Marcellino D'Ambrosio and Andrew Swafford, What We Believe presents and explains the essential teachings of the Catholic Faith in a readable, approachable way.
What We Believe: An Exposition of the Apostles Creed