Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, 184n.54 Jardim, A., 181n.13 Jewell, Malcolm, 9, 10, 58, 183mn.35, 39, 43 Johnson, Blair T., ... 61, 74, 183m,33, 1940.4 Kaufman, Herbert, 202n.37 Kawar, A., 196n.50 Kearney, Richard, 203n.58 Kearns, Merle, 117, ...
William E. Rosenbach and Robert L. Taylor (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1984). 30. ... See, for example, Steven Kelman, Making Public Policy: A Hopeful View of American Government (New York: Basic Books, 1987); Peters, The American ...
This is a study of the different leadership styles of men and women in American politics.
Now, in When Women Lead, Boorstin brings together the stories of over sixty of those female CEOs and leaders, and dozens of new studies.
Missionaries tell of the critical role of women in introducing the gospel to new groups. This book can help to equip a new generation of women to rise up with tools in hand to welcome and advance God's Kingdom on earth.
Here, in When Women Lead, Boorstin brings together the stories of over sixty of those female CEOs and leaders, and provides “critical insights into how women-founded companies begin, operate, and prosper” (Kirkus Reviews, starred ...
This book serves as leadership guide as well as an encouragement tool for women.
The sole premise of this book is that when women lead, all kinds of good things happen and get done, that would not have happened or been done otherwise, because they could not come about unless women were involved.
This another resource to teach, encourage, and to motivate. The growth nuggets in this book are intentional, they will be instrumental in your next level. After each chapter, there are questions and exercises to promote action.
When Women Lead: What We Achieve, Why We Succeed and What We Can Learn