Where Is God?

  • Where Is God?
    By Lawrence Kushner, Karen Kushner, Dawn Majewski

    Invites young readers to become aware of God's presence all around them.

  • Where is God?
    By W. David Lane, Donna E. Lane

    The book helps young children understand the unseen but very real and present nature of God.

  • Where Is God?: Finding His Presence, Purpose and Power in Difficult Times
    By John Townsend

    Psychologist John Townsend says "It is actually the very unfixability of our problems and our powerlessness to bring right results that keep us asking, 'Where is God?

  • Where is God?: An 8 Part Bible Study for Finding God in the Season of COVID-19
    By Ryan Enser M DIV

    I searched the scriptures for answers to one main question that I believed summarized the sentiment of many Christians who were struggling with the health emergency: Where is God? This book is the result of that online study.

  • Where Is God?: A Lift-A-Flap Book for Kids
    By Compiled by Barbour Staff, Kelly McIntosh

    For inquisitive kids who wonder if God sees, hears, and is present.

  • Where is God?: Divine Absence in the Hebrew Bible
    By Joel S. Burnett

    Joel S. Burnett shows that the theme of divine absence was important in ancient near eastern reflection on the mystery of the divine and that it served both as a way of asking about the justice of God and of affirming God's justice in ...

  • Where Is God?
    By Salihah L. Fassett

    "Where is God", tells the story of two preschoolers and their Nana.

  • Where Is God?: Finding His Presence, Purpose and Power in Difficult Times
    By John Townsend

    Psychologist John Townsend says "It is actually the very unfixability of our problems and our powerlessness to bring right results that keep us asking, 'Where is God?

  • Where Is God?
    By Byron Walker

    Chris finds freedom in knowing that He is protected by God's holy angels when he is faced with danger.

  • Where is God?: A Personal Story of Finding God in Grief and Suffering
    By John S. Feinberg

    POINTS OF INTEREST- Where is God? is a new edition of the previously published Deceived by God? featuring revised and expanded content and an up-to-date report on John's wife, as well as his own further reflections from the last several ...

  • Where is God?: A Cry of Human Distress
    By Christian Duquoc

    'Who is God?' becomes 'Where is God?' the shift in a question / Christian Duquoc -- 'Where is God?' the cry of the psalmists / Erhard S. Gerstenberger -- Sickness...

  • Where Is God?
    By Joni Oeltjenbruns

    Rhyming text, playful pictures, and hidden flaps lead preschoolers on an amusing search for God. Where is God? In each of our hearts!

  • Where Is God?
    By Thais/ Sherell Jackson

    God is closer than we often realize. Journey with main character Kate-Marie as she helps children visualize God through His creations, their relationships and their five senses.

  • Where is God?
    By Patricia May

    Find self love, and you find God! It is as simple as that. Asking the question, Where is God, then allows the answers to come. In this book, finding God is no further than looking into oneself, ones heart and feeling love.