APPENDIX E - PEARSON'S R FOR EXECUTIVE ORDERS BY PAIRS OF PRESIDENTS * Roosevelt32 Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson36 Nixon Ford Carter Reagan Bush41 Clinton Bush43 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX ...
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Transformation of the Supreme Court . By Stephen K. Shaw , William D. Pederson and Frank J. Williams , Armonk NY : M.E. Sharpe , 2004 271 pages Reviewed by Bryan Hilliard , New England College At 11:00 am ...
Expectations Gap 6 9 Most fundamental , we believe , is the belief that an " expectations gap " exists between presidential power and presidential performance . Waterman and his associates claim that this thesis " has been a mainstay of ...
He currently holds the Loyola Chair of Leadership Studies , is Professor of Political Science , and is the Director ... Genovese has written 14 books , including The Paradoxes of the American Presidency ( with Thomas E. Cronin ; Oxford ...
“ Hearings on Aviation Regulatory Reform , ” Committee on Public Works and Transportation , US House of Representatives . ... Airline Deregulation and Laissez - Faire Mythology ( Westport , CT : Quorum Books , 1992 ) , chapter 16 . 75.
The American presidency has become one of the most powerful offices in the world with the ascendency of American power in the 20th century.
'White House Studies Compendium' brings together piercing analyses of the American presidency - dealing with both current issues and historical events.
The American presidency has become one of the most powerful offices in the world with the ascendency of American power in the 20th century.
This volume pays special attention to US presidential leadership at the UN from 1945 to present.