Goldfield , David R. , Cotton Fields and Skyscrapers : Southern City and Region , 1607–1980 ( 1982 ) . Gray , Lewis Cecil , History of Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860 ( 1958 ) . Gutman , Herbert G. , Slavery and the ...
Who Built America?
FROM PREPAREDNESS TO PEARL HARBOR Just as the Depression of the 1930s sharpened antagonisms within the United States , it also bred international conflicts . Advanced industrial nations responded to the widespread decline in consumer ...
Who Built America? surveys the nation's past from the perspective of working men and women. Growing out of the effort to reinterpret American history from the bottom up, Who Built...
Who Built America?: To 1877
Who Built America? surveys the nation's past from the perspective of working men and women. Growing out of the effort to reinterpret American history from the bottom up, Who Built...
A history of the U.S. which focuses on the changing nature of the work that built, sustained, and transformed American society, and the conditions, experiences, outlooks, and conduct of the people who performed that labor.
At last, an American history about working Americans: what they thought, what they did, what happened to them. Volume One takes us from conquest & colonization through industrial expansion, the...