was a doctor named Wallace Springsteen. They were happy for about eleven days. Then Wallace found out about all the scams she had pulled in her past. He divorced her on the twelfth day of their marriage. (That makes Kim Kardashian's ...
"Whoppers presents the fascinating stories of over fifty people who lied for money, fame, honor, acceptance, and, sometimes, just for the heck of it."--Page 4 of cover.
A collection of tall tales involving animals, the weather, narrow escapes, and many other topics.
Humorous story for younger to middle primary school children. Mark tells his class he's a Martian. How can they tell if he's speaking the truth , or if it's just another whopper.
A collection of tall tales involving animals, the weather, narrow escapes, and many other topics.
This collection of the audacious yarns and lies that are part of our folklore tradition is "outrageous enough to please the most demanding young liars".-- H.
This collection of the audacious yarns and lies that are part of our folklore tradition is "outrageous enough to please the most demanding young liars".-- H.
This collection of the audacious yarns and lies that are part of our folklore tradition is outrageous enough to please the most demanding young liars.-- H.