Office : State Police Dept 714 S Harrison Rd East Lansing MI 48823 DAVIS , JOHN RAYMOND , physical education teacher ; b . Chgo . , Aug. 23 , 1940 ; s . William Meade and Ruby Elvira ( Pearson ) D .; m . Judith Anne Osborn , Aug.
BS in Geology , U. III . , 1974 ; MS in Geology , Northeastern Ill . U. , 1988 ; PhD in Mineral Engring . , Northwestern U. , 1991. Geologist Ill . State Geol . Survey , Urbana , 1974-77 ; asst . supr . Freeman - United Coal Mining Co.
Who's who in the Midwest: A Biographical Dictionary of Noteworthy Men and Women of the Central and Midwestern States
Who's who in the Midwest
Who's who in the Midwest: A Biographical Dictionary of Noteworthy Men and Women of the Central and Midwestern States
Who's who in the Midwest: A Biographical Dictionary of Noteworthy Men and Women of the Central and Midwestern States
Who's who in the Midwest: A Biographical Dictionary of Noteworthy Men and Women of the Central and Midwestern States
Profiles the most influential men and women from America's heartland Contains over 16,000 biographies of people working in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska.