But most bystanders don't intervene. Catherine Sanderson turns to cutting-edge research in social psychology and neuroscience to explain why we so often fail to act and offers practical strategies to nudge us into being brave.
Courage, this book shows, is not a virtue we're born with or without. A bystander can learn to be brave.
Why We Act draws on the latest developments in psychology and neuroscience to tackle an urgent question: Why do so many of us fail to intervene when we're needed--and what would it take to make us step up?A renowned psychologist who has ...
A renowned psychologist who has done pioneering research on social norms, Catherine Sanderson was inspired to write this book when a freshman in her son’s dorm died twenty hours after a bad fall while drinking.
A renowned psychologist who has done pioneering research on social norms, Catherine Sanderson was inspired to write this book when a freshman in her son’s dorm died twenty hours after a bad fall while drinking.