Why We Fought

  • Why We Fought: America's Wars in Film and History
    By Peter C. Rollins, John E. O'Connor

    See U.S. Civil War film genre Clansman, The (Dixon) Clark, Bennett Champ Clark, Dane Clark, D. Worth Clay, Lucius D. Cleopatra (1963) Clift, Montgomery; The Big Lift Clinton, Bill: foreign policy of; and international crises; ...

  • Why We Fought: America's Wars in Film and History
    By Peter C. Rollins, John E. O'Connor

    In 1969, after Vietnam and a scrape with the law over marijuana possession, Stone enrolled in the New York University film program, where he studied with Martin Scorsese. After moving to Hollywood in 1976 Stone served as coauthor on a ...

  • Why We Fought: Forging American Obligations in World War II
    By Robert B. Westbrook

    Why We Fought is a timely and provocative analysis that examines why Americans really chose to sacrifice and commit themselves to World War II. Unlike other depictions of the patriotic “greatest generation,” Westbrook argues that, ...

  • Why We Fought: Forging American Obligations in World War II
    By Robert B. Westbrook

    Why We Fought is a timely and provocative analysis that examines why Americans really chose to sacrifice and commit themselves to World War II. Unlike other depictions of the patriotic “greatest generation,” Westbrook argues that, ...

  • Why We Fought: Inspiring Stories of Resisting Hitler and Defending Freedom
    By Jerry Borrowman

    Place of publication taken from publisher's Linkedin page.

  • Why We Fought: America's Wars in Film and History
    By Peter C. Rollins, John E. O'Connor

    Bohn, Thomas W. An Historical and Descriptive Analysis of the “Why We Fight” Series. New York: Arno, 1977. Chambers, John W., and David H. Culbert, eds. World War II, Film, and History. New York: Oxford UP, 1996.