William Morris
Les plus beaux motifs décoratifs issus des prestigieuses collections du Victoria & Albert Museum de Londres. Une source inépuisable d'inspiration pour les créateurs autant que pour les amateurs de design.
Flowers, foliage, berry branches, and birds are recurring motifs in this gorgeous postcard collection devoted to William Morris (1834-1896), founder of the Arts and Crafts movement in 19th-century England.
The Brooklyn Museum has in its collection a wallpaper sample book from Morris and Co., and the thirty designs shown in this book of postcards are from that book." [p. 1].
'This collection of quotations by Morris, his friends, associates and those who came after, reveals and explores his passionately held viewthat beautiful, functional design should be accessible to all.
Die vorliegende Publikation will William Morris' umfassendes kunsttheoretisches Werk und seine Arbeiten im Bereich der angewandten Künste exemplarisch und erklärend zusammenzuführen sowie in Hinblick auf gemeinsame zugrunde liegende ...
William Morris: Native Species : the George R. Stroemple Collection
William Morris
Stepniak , pseud . S. Kravchinsky , ' Anarchism According to Stepniak ' , Freedom , vol . VII , no . 73 , ( January - February 1893 ) . 7. For two different views see H. Seymour , The Two Anarchisms ( London , 1894 ) and C. Wilson ...
... I had seyen al this sighte That faste by the sonne , as hyë In this noble temple thus , As kenne mighte I with myn yë , H ... BIS egle , of which I have yow told , That shoon with fethres as of gold , Which that so hyë gan to sore ...
William Morris: Medievalist and Revolutionary
Equally , the work must be worthwhile , directed at the production of goods for which a real need existed , not cheap trifles or the shoddy manufactures which Morris so despised . ? These radical ideas on the nature of art , labour and ...
Victoria Charles. 46. Affiche montrant la collection des carreaux de Morgan vendue par Morris & Cie. des :Morris BIOGRAPHIE 1834 : Naissance de William Morris le.
A coloring book of iconic patterns produced by William Morris & Co. from the V&A's outstanding collection
The introductory text by Hiroshi Unno (printed in both English and Japanese) provides an overview of Morris's career and the sources of his inspiration.
What is the fitting wrapping for which gift? This book gives the answer--and even provides the wrapping material at the same time. The variety of motifs will more than meet your demands, and turn this booklet itself into an ideal gift.
Through his eclecticism, William Morris (1834-1896) was one of the most emblematic personalities of the nineteenth century.
Annotation Through his eclecticism, William Morris (1834-1896) was one of the most emblematic personalities of the nineteenth century.
For thousands of years humans have adorned themselves. Adornment figures among the constellation of traits that signify the arrival of modern human behavior in the archaeological record. Werever they ventured,...
Shows how writer, designer, political visionary Morris's pursuits in the fields of art, ethics, and business were inextricably linked--resulting in the creation of an enterprise which traded for almost 80...