
  • Windmills
    By Suzanne Mollie Beedell

    Nowadays, windmills are at work only in under-developed countries, or preserved for the sake of the past and because they are beautiful and interesting, not because they are practical economic...

  • Windmills
    By Lyndi Alexander

    Bio-terrorists release a plague in the United States that spreads to kill most of the world’s Caucasian population.

  • Windmills: An Old-new Energy Source
    By Lucile Saunders McDonald

    Describes windmills through the ages and in various countries.

  • Windmills: A Pictorial History of Their Technology
    By Richard Leslie Hills

    This highly informative book contains some 500 black and white photographs of the various types of windmills and describes their main uses; many of the photographs have not been published...

  • Windmills
    By Charlotte Hunter

    How do windmills harness wind power to create electricity? Engineering makes it possible! Learn how a windmill is designed to turn a breeze into energy. This title supports NGSS standards for engineering design.

  • Windmills: A Supplemental Curriculum for Middle School Physical Science. Teacher's guide

    ... Wind at Work , " Sierra , v75 , Nov - Dec . 1990 , p . 104 . Weitzman , David , Windmills , Bridges , and Old Machines , Scribner , New York , NY , 1982 . Woelfle , Gretchen , The Wind at Work : An Activity Guide to Windmills , Chicago ...

  • Windmills
    By Sally Taylor

    Here, their full history and the story of their survival is presented, along with 70 full-color photographs and archival illustrations.

  • Windmills
    By Suzanne Mollie Beedell


  • Windmills: A New History
    By Colin Moore

    A history of windmills