
  • Windsurfing
    By Paul Mason

    If you could travel the whole world to learn more about windsurfing, where would be the best places to visit?

  • Windsurfing
    By Jean Luc Marty, Alexandre Bergevin


  • Windsurfing
    By Edward Caban


  • Windsurfing
    By Simon Bornhoft

    A basic, comprehensive guide to the latest in boards, equipment, and technique. For beginning and intermediate windsurfers. Chapters on reading the weather and choice surfing destinations worldwide.

  • Windsurfing
    By Peter Hart


  • Windsurfing
    By Ken Winner

    Exercises to strengthen and stretch muscles and avoid injury accompany discussion on choosing the proper equipment and descriptions of fundamental windsurfing skills and techniques

  • Windsurfing: The World's Windiest Water Sport Spots and Techniques
    By Paul Mason

    So we tell you what each windsurfing location is like and the kind of equipment you'll need. We also have tips from local sailors and advice on technique. This book is your passport to the windsurfing world! 7 6.

  • Windsurfing
    By S.L. Hamilton

    Windsurfing competitions also became popular. In 1973, windsurfers participated in the first world championship for windsurfing. Windsurfing became an official event for men at the1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, California.

  • Windsurfing
    By Peter Hart

    Windsurfing. The name sums it up so well. You may never have surfed a wave but you can surely imagine the exhilaration of skimming over the water on a tiny craft, driven along by a clean, noiseless energy. Just replace the wave with a ...

  • Windsurfing: Action for Kids
    By Steffen Kjær

    Equipment A windsurfer's equipment is basically a board and a rig. The rig consists of a sail, a mast, a boom and a mast extension. All materials are light but strong. It is important that the equipment can withstand the force of the ...

  • Windsurfing
    By Radek Vobr, Jan Štumbauer

    Kniha popisuje materiálové vybavení, techniku a metodiku jízdy na windsurfingu. Obsahuje obsahuje vedle vysvětlujícího textu desítky názorných obrázků a barevných fotografií.

  • Windsurfing
    By Amy Hansen

    Examines the history, techniques, racing events, and more of windsurfing.