An account of the preaching of Augustine and other patristic writers can be found in Thomas K. Carroll, Preaching the Word (Message of the Fathers of the Church, 11. Wilmington: Michael Glazier, Inc., 1984). A wider view of the history ...
... U.S.A. Penguin Group (Canada), 10 Alcorn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 3B2 (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England Penguin Ireland, 25 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, ...
I went to college , even if I didn't finish and even if I was an English major . But there weren't a lot of options . I had to laugh when I heard a guy on public radio a few days before sheepishly admit to having been an English major ...
Laird calls back, sending another healthy spew off into the hint of a downwind, after checking. “Management doesn't care long as the 'gate' is good. Forget it.” “Welllll,” taunts Red, plucking from his Hawaiian shirt pocket a pleated ...
An easy-to-read and understand guide to the complexities surrounding technology access and adoption that focuses on the ways libraries can help close the digital divide.
These wide-ranging essays cover everything from selling blood for grocery money to the culture shock of "jumping" class. Contributors include Dorothy Allison, Bee Lavender, Eileen Myles, and Daisy Hernáez.
Librarians Bridging the Digital Divide Jessamyn West. Without a Net This page intentionally left blank Without a Net Librarians Bridging.
Translated from the Spanish by Steven J. Stewart. "Ana Maria Shua's microfictions reveal oneiric universes, multiform realties, secret worlds with the unlikely coherence of the absurd, the amorphous logic of the imagination.
One woman's award-winning memoir of her abrupt plunge from the American dream into a waking nightmare Michelle Kennedy had a typical middle class American childhood in Vermont. She attended college,...
It's a summer of transition for Fiona MacGregor and Meg Jordan.
Feel Like a Stranger * Althea * Cassidy * Bird Song * Let It Grow * Eyes of the World * Help on the Way * Franklin's Tower * One More Saturday Night * Dear Mr. Fantasy and more.