LEADER PROFILE 2.2 PEARL S. BUCK Pearl S. Buck was the first woman to win both a Pulitzer Prize (1932) and a Nobel Prize for Literature (1938) and is one of only two women to hold this distinction (Toni Morrison is the other).
Carlyle's observation, made more than 180 years ago, seems to be as valid today when we consider sports heroes like Mike Tyson and O.J. Simpson. In sports, hero worship involves the admiration of the idol's physical prowess and strength ...
Through conversations with some of the world's most powerful and interesting women--including Jacinda Ardern, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Christine Lagarde, Michelle Bachelet, and Theresa May--Women and Leadership explores gender bias and asks ...
Women and Leadership: Addresses how diverse women lead, how feminist principles contribute to leadership and the barriers that women face as leaders Transforms existing models of leadership by incorporating gender issues Identifies the ...
Grounded in leadership theory and research, this text delves into the barriers and challenges women face on their leadership journeys, including stereotypes, bias, inequality, discrimination, and domestic responsibilities.
Women and Leadership, edited by George R. Goethals and Crystal L. Hoyt of the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond, is a compact collection of thoughtful essays by experts on leadership theory as well as ...
Cover -- Women and Leadership -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Women in Politics -- 3 Women in Management -- 4 Women in Law -- 5 Women in Academia -- 6 Women on Boards -- 7 Conclusion -- Acknowledgments -- Notes ...
Women and Leadership is about women resisting exploitation in the workplace; women heading households; women leading in the international policy forum.
The stories they tell reveal vividly how gender and sexism affect perceptions of women as leaders.
... Leader; James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, The Jossey-Bass Academic Administrator's Guide to Exemplary Leadership (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003); Adena W. Loston, “Leadership Survival Strategies in the Vacuum of Upheaval,” in ...
This empowering volume presents current empirical findings and rich personal insights into the evolving challenges women face in attaining—and thriving in—leadership positions.
Women and Leadership: Addresses how diverse women lead, how feminist principles contribute to leadership and the barriers that women face as leaders Transforms existing models of leadership by incorporating gender issues Identifies the ...