... 109-10, 116-17; in prison rehabilitation programs, 53; as prison staff, 52, 170-71; reintegration problems of, 53-54 Moore, Marie, 50 Morales v. Turman, 64, 65 Morris, Esther, 141 Morris, Norval, 177 Mothers: and infanticide, ...
Women in the Criminal Justice System: Tracking the Journey of Females and Crime provides a rare up-to-date examination of women both as offenders and employees in the criminal justice system.
Women in the Criminal Justice System
This third edition provides thoroughly updated information on the status of women in all aspects of the U.S. criminal justice system, from incarcerated women to professionals in the legal, law enforcement, and correctional fields.
However, women on both sides of the system experience special issues. This book presents the current state of females in the system through contributions by expert authors.