Superbly illustrated with more than 250 key images, this is a fitting tribute to one of the masters of modern cinema, published to mark Woody Allen's eightieth birthday. 'I don't want to achieve immortality through my work.
Allen, Woody and Marshall Brickman. Manhattan. Rollins-Joffe/United Artists, 1979. Blake, Richard A. Woody Allen: Profane and Sacred. London: The Scarecrow Press, 1995. Eliot, T.S. The Waste Land. The Norton Anthology of American ...
Illustrated with more than 250 images, this is a fitting tribute to one of the masters of modern cinema, published to mark Woody Allen's eightieth birthday.
Interprète, auteur et réalisateur hors pair, Woody Allen affiche près de cinquante films à son compteur - des comédies "slapstick" ou romantiques, des études de caractères, des thrillers... Ses grands...
Toda la carrera de Woody Allen, publicada con motivo de su ochenta cumpleaños.
Woody Allen: portret mistrza
Woody Allen: Seine Filme, sein Leben
Pourtant, ma surprise est immense lorsque je découvre le lendemain un e-mail de son attachée de presse me ... J'en tombe des nues, comme Gil Pender (Owen Wilson) lorsque Gertrude Stein (Kathy Bates) accepte de jeter un œil à son ...
In this extended essay, Vittorio H sle develops a theory of the comical and applies it to interpret both the recurrent personae played by Woody Allen the actor and the...
Woody Allen: Clown Prince of American Humor
Woody Allen (b. 1935) is one of America's most idiosyncratic filmmakers, with an unparalleled output of nearly one film every year for over three decades. His movies are filled with...
Reconstructing. Woody. Peter Biskind / 2005 Published in Vanity Fair, December 2005, 320–22, 326–27, 365. Reprinted by permission of the author. For decades, Woody Allen could do no wrong. Then, in 1992, his luck turned, ...
Lee, Sander H. Woody Allen 's Angst. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1997. McCann, Graham. Woody Allen: New Yorker: Cambridge: Polity, 1990. Nichols, Mary P. Reconstructing Woody: Art, Love, and Life in the Films of Woody Allen.
... Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere sul sesso ma non avete mai osato chiedere , Provaci ancora , Sam , Io e Annie , Zelig , Crimini e misfatti , Interiors , Mariti e mogli , Milano , Feltrinelli 1986 , 1986 , 1986 , 1990 , 1992 ...
Interviews with the well-known director of Manhattan, Hannah and Her Sisters, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Bullets Over Broadway, and the Oscar-winning Annie Hall Interviews with the famous director of Manhattan, Hannah and Her Sisters, Crimes ...
When it first appeared in 1991, Eric Lax's splendid biography, written with nineteen years of access to Woody Allen, was universally hailed as the definitive portrait of a film genius....
The quintessential illustrated guide to Woody Allen's lifetime of work, updated to include Cafe Society (2016) and Wonder Wheel (2017). Woody Allen has celebrated more than 50 years of filmmaking, averaging one movie per year.
Woody Allen har lenge fremstått som en gåte for omverdenen, tilslørt av en fasade som er like møysommelig bygd opp som hans filmer. Hvor går skillet mellom den virkelige Woody...
The present collection is a complete update of the volume that first appeared in 2006. In the years since, Allen has continued making movies, including Midnight in Paris and the Oscar-winning Blue Jasmine.
In an unprecedented television program last year, Woody Allen spoke to the camera for the first time about the entire range of his work, in an interview with Richard Schickel,...