World Languages Review. Table 2. Continued State Gunnemark ( 1991 ) Krauss ( 1992 ) Grimes ( 2000 ) Burma 100 160–100 107 Nepal 160-100 120 Russia 100 160-100 100 Malaysia 120 160-100 139 Sudan 100 160–100 134 Tanzania 100 160-100 135 ...
When Gorey died, the website maintained by his fans ( recorded scores of messages of shock, grief, and passionate admiration from correspondents all over the world, aged thirteen to eighty. Many described their surprise ...
Together the essays in this volume offer a fresh look at the deeply connected worlds we inhabit in solidarity and in discord. Contributors.
In this book, the reader is invited to enter a strange world in which you can tell the age of the captain by counting the animals on his ship, where runners do not get tired, and where water gets hotter when you add it to other water.
Words and Worlds: World Languages Review
Words and Worlds: An Essay on Foundations of Logic, Semantics and Ontology
... anthropologie entre pouvoirs et histoire—Conversations autour de l'œuvre de Jean-Pierre Chauveau, edited by E. Jul-Larsen, P. J. Laurent, P. Y. Le Meur, and E. Léonard, 383–405. Paris: Karthala. Hill, Ken, W. Selzer, J. Leaning, S. J. ...